WRP Services During COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the WRP team is serving clients with virtual technical consultations to help address specific energy, water, environmental and cost-reduction project goals. The following lists review some the services that the WRP technical team can provide as adaptations of our on-site, holistic assessment visits:


Energy Management Services During the Pandemic

WRP virtual energy assessments may be easiest to accomplish when the client has specific project needs as opposed to our normal “holistic” approach. A successful virtual assessment will be dependent upon a client furnishing needed information which may include the following, depending on the specific project:

  • 12-month utility history (always needed)
  • Lighting layout (count) and fixture types
  • HVAC information (many times photos of nameplates will work)
  • Building size and layout
  • Operating hours and occupancy count

Virtual assessments require more interaction and correspondence with the client via email, video and conference calls than normal site visits. PDF’s of lighting and HVAC system inventories and layouts can be valuable, if available, as well as site photos of equipment and nameplates.


Remote technical assistance/assessments we can provide include the following:

  • Utility review, facility benchmarking
  • Lighting upgrades
  • HVAC replacement evaluation
  • Recommissioning needs
  • Water heating replacement evaluation
  • Motor replacement evaluation
  • Other equipment replacement evaluation
  • REAP energy assessments
  • Maintenance review


Water Efficiency Assistance – Virtual Assistance

Many of the WRP Water Team on-site assessment activities can still be performed remotely with client cooperation with pre-assessment data requests and some extra communications via conference calls for information sharing. Here’s a partial list of activities and services.

  • Analyze water-use information to determine if usage is in a normal range and benchmarks with similar organizations, as well as identifying anomalies.
  • Create water balance charts to further define where water is being used and determine if unaccounted for water indicates a leak.
  • Calculate water use on existing equipment, fixtures and appliances such as cooling towers, parts washers, toilets, sinks, dishwashers, clothes washers, and drinking fountains through photographs/descriptions of name plates. Provide performance standards for new equipment.
  • Reevaluate the appropriateness of meter size for current water use.
  • In conjunction with customer personnel, measure toilet, shower heads and sink flows and determine cost/benefit analysis of upgrades.
  • Conduct interviews by phone with customer personnel to ascertain possible problem areas.
  • Address current outdoor irrigation practice and review opportunities for improvements.


Solid Waste Assistance – What We Can Do for You Remotely:

The WPR Solid Waste Team is still able to serve you effectively remotely to address many of your waste reduction and recycling objectives.

  • Discuss your facility’s by-products and explore potential recycling outlets or other management solutions.
  • Provide a list of service providers that serve your geographic area.
  • Share best management practices (BMPs) and case studies regarding what other businesses have done to develop a green team, reduce waste and/or improve their recycling program.
  • Share resources that will help you reach your particular solid waste reduction goals.

It is important the that the client provides the following information to assist our team’s remote research:

  • Copy of one month’s solid waste and recycling service billing.
  • Estimates of volumes or weights generated.
  • Pictures of the by-products your facility hopes to divert from the waste stream.
  • Product specifications, safety data sheets, or other information to help understand the composition of waste streams.


Request Assistance Today!

To request no-cost assistance, click to Initiate a Project on the Waste Reduction Partners website and a team lead with contact you soon.